Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Maybe Just a Tad Too Far

         Section IV starts off with another example of how Stephen cannot doing anything halfway. Stephen has changed from thinking of leaving religion behind at the start of Section III to being completely devoted to God once again. Stephen went from only satisfying his bodily needs to denying everything his body wants. He chose to deny his senses so as not to be tempted. The paragraph on page 31 continued on 32 talks about how he “mortifies” his body. As we had said, Stephen does not do anything less than 110%, but this seems too far. To purposefully deny his senses is insane and it seems to only distance himself from other people in fear of further temptation.
As I was reading I assumed that Stephen just took the priest’s words too seriously, but by the end of the reading I was not too sure. This may seem like an unintended effect to what the priest said when he said to Stephen never to commit his terrible sin again, but at the end of part II of section IV Stephen is asked if he would want to enter the priesthood. The priest said that God singles out one possibly two or three people in an entire college to join the priesthood and he believes Stephen is one of them. This would seem to be sign from God that what he is doing is the right way to approach life. A life lived in such fear of temptation that Stephen refuses to do anything but be in fervent prayer all the time. Obviously this is no way to live so I think this is Joyce showing how wrong some of the Church’s teachings can be when concerning very impressionable young men.

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